About Our Church

What Makes Union Bible Church Different? 


We Care About You!
God cares about you too... so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for your sins. 
We Will Welcome You Here!

You will be among friends here in our church family, and not just a face in the crowd. 
We Follow God's Word!

We fail many times, of course, but we find the King James Bible to be pure, perfect, and practical.  It has the answer to all of life's difficult and complicated questions.  We can safely live...and die...by it's truth. 
We Are Self-Governing!

Our church is not controlled and run by some outside group or hierarchy.  We follow a historic "congregational" or democratic form of church government.  Each member has an equal vote.  The church body collectively decides on organizational matters, following the leadership of Jesus Christ, and the Bible. 
We Are Convinced!

We find many people want reality in their Christian life, and are not satisfied just to go through the motions.  We offer them the real, living person of Jesus Christ, who will never forsake them or leave them. 
We Are Evangelistic!

God's mission for the Church is to proclaim the "Good News" that a person can receive eternal life, by faith in Jesus Christ. 

We Are Here To Serve!

Our church takes seriously the fact that we are here to minister to people in spiritual and physical need.  As humanly possible, we try to live a life patterned after Jesus Christ. 
We Are Here To Teach!

Our Pastor and teachers use methods that bring the Bible right down to where you can understand and apply its truths to your life. 
We Are Here To Minister!

Our Pastor and church family are always available to minister to those in hospitals, nursing homes, and confined to home.  


Union Bible Church © 2017   |   102 South Main Street, Route 2   |   Alburgh, Vermont 05440   |   (802) 796-3055