VBS Photo Albums

Winning With Gods Team
Winning With Gods Team

Flags of The World
Flags of The World


Teen Class
Teen Class

Olympic Flame
Olympic Flame

Olympic Champions
Olympic Champions

Happy Olympian
Happy Olympian

Craft Class
Craft Class

More Crafts
More Crafts

Our Craft Ladies
Our Craft Ladies

Running the Race...with some help!
Running the Race...with some help!


The Bible is our Textbook
The Bible is our Textbook


Theme Song
Theme Song

Excited Olympian
Excited Olympian

A successful Smile
A successful Smile

Female Olympian
Female Olympian

Male Olympian
Male Olympian

Happy Craft Girl
Happy Craft Girl

Some More Olympians
Some More Olympians

Inflatable Gym in Use
Inflatable Gym in Use

Volleyball Fun
Volleyball Fun

Our Recreation Leaders
Our Recreation Leaders

More Teamwork
More Teamwork

Outside Class
Outside Class

Inside Class
Inside Class

Bible Memorization
Bible Memorization

Our VBS Group
Our VBS Group

Class Picture
Class Picture

Class Picture
Class Picture

Prize Winner
Prize Winner

Prize Winner
Prize Winner

Happy Students
Happy Students

Good News Games
Good News Games

Olympian Quote
Olympian Quote

Pastor and 
Mrs. Kehoe
Pastor and
Mrs. Kehoe

Pictures of our July 2008 Vacation Bible School