VBS Photo Albums

Big Bee
Big Bee

VBS 2012
VBS 2012

The Bug Zone
The Bug Zone


Grades 1-2-3
Grades 1-2-3

Lois doing memory verses with the kids
Lois doing memory verses with the kids

Natalie Teaching the Young “Bug Trainees”
Natalie Teaching the Young “Bug Trainees”

Mike Teaching 
Grades 4-5-6
Mike Teaching
Grades 4-5-6
The Registration Desk - Our Numbers Crunchers!
The Registration Desk - Our Numbers Crunchers!

A Happy Nursery Child
A Happy Nursery Child

Fun Riddles
Fun Riddles

Some of our Teens
Some of our Teens

Marching to Snack Time
Marching to Snack Time

Our Textbook
Our Textbook

Search the Scriptures
Search the Scriptures

Craft Time
Craft Time

Happy Kids
Happy Kids

The Bible School
 is about 
helping the 
Kids enjoy Jesus
The Bible School
is about
helping the
Kids enjoy Jesus

A Happy Bible Student
A Happy Bible Student

A Great Puppet Show!
A Great Puppet Show!

Some Bug Collecting Going On
Some Bug Collecting Going On

A Future VBS Student!
A Future VBS Student!

Marc and Mariane
Marc and Mariane

Memory Verse Time
Memory Verse Time

Some of our Teen Class
Some of our Teen Class

Some of Our Younger Students
Some of Our Younger Students

Jump off some Energy!!
Jump off some Energy!!

The Kids love it!
The Kids love it!

Some Personal Snack Time
Some Personal Snack Time

Buzz and Big Bee
Buzz and Big Bee

A Happy Student
A Happy Student

Studying Bugs was Fun!
Studying Bugs was Fun!

Our Teams
Our Teams

Our Teams
Our Teams

Our Teams
Our Teams

The Tent is still being used by God after many years!
The Tent is still being used by God after many years!

Brenda helping the kids
Brenda helping the kids

Craft Time
Craft Time

An Odette Bee :-)
An Odette Bee :-)

One of our own Church kids!
One of our own Church kids!

The Church was filled - Praise God for His blessings!
The Church was filled - Praise God for His blessings!

Buzz and BT leading in Hallelujah Song
Buzz and BT leading in Hallelujah Song

Stand when you Sing!
Stand when you Sing!

A Real Hornets’ Nest
A Real Hornets’ Nest

All Smiles!
All Smiles!

Does Pastor look good in white??
Does Pastor look good in white??

Natalie made the Piano sound great!
Natalie made the Piano sound great!

Alice being Alice :-)
Alice being Alice :-)

The skits were hilarious
The skits were hilarious

Have a Fun Time!!
Have a Fun Time!!

Our Pledges
Our Pledges

Our Pledges
Our Pledges

Our Opening Pledges
Our Opening Pledges

Pastor’s Morning Devotion
Pastor’s Morning Devotion

Following along
Following along

A Special Girl
A Special Girl

Brenda - Another one of our Busy Bees
Brenda - Another one of our Busy Bees

What a Great Bible School
What a Great Bible School

Ginger teaching 
Grades 1-2-3
Ginger teaching
Grades 1-2-3

Big Bee visiting the Nursery Kids
Big Bee visiting the Nursery Kids

The Bug Zone
The Bug Zone

Church Front
Church Front

The weather was perfect all week!
The weather was perfect all week!

Getting Ready for Craft Time
Getting Ready for Craft Time

Teaching from our Textbook--The Bible
Teaching from our Textbook--The Bible

The Kids love Big Bee!
The Kids love Big Bee!

Our Food Crew!
Our Food Crew!

The Kids love the snacks
The Kids love the snacks

A Full Craft Tent
A Full Craft Tent

Getting Ready for a Game
Getting Ready for a Game

Samantha helping with crafts
Samantha helping with crafts

One of our local boys!
One of our local boys!

A great smile
A great smile

Another Great Smile
Another Great Smile

More Great Smiles
More Great Smiles

Showing off a Craft
Showing off a Craft

More Showing off a Craft
More Showing off a Craft

Hannah with Real Bugs!
Hannah with Real Bugs!

Some Teens
Some Teens

Big Bee likes his nose being squeezed
Big Bee likes his nose being squeezed

One of our great church kids!
One of our great church kids!

Smiles at Snack Time
Smiles at Snack Time

Brenda and Renee
Brenda and Renee

One of our 
Older Students
One of our
Older Students

Plenty of Snacks
Plenty of Snacks

A great game on a warm day!
A great game on a warm day!

A great game on a warm day!
A great game on a warm day!



The object of the game is to move water from one pail to another in a sponge ball
The object of the game is to move water from one pail to another in a sponge ball

Great Kids
Great Kids

Buzz teaching about the Grasshopper
Buzz teaching about the Grasshopper

More Great Kids
More Great Kids

The puppet show lesson was fantastic
The puppet show lesson was fantastic

Alice as a cockroach!!
Alice as a cockroach!!

Even More Great Kids!
Even More Great Kids!

Memory Verse Time
Memory Verse Time

Kids on Caterpillar
Kids on Caterpillar

Teen Memory 
Verse Time
Teen Memory
Verse Time

Getting ready 
for next craft
Getting ready
for next craft

Not a cloud in the sky all week!
Not a cloud in the sky all week!

Our Teen Class
Our Teen Class

Making something
Making something

Doing the craft
Doing the craft

A finished craft being hung to dry
A finished craft being hung to dry

A Fun Game
A Fun Game

More Fun Game
More Fun Game

The kids loved it, and so did Mariane!
The kids loved it, and so did Mariane!

Nathan teaching Grades 4-5-6
Nathan teaching Grades 4-5-6

A look into the Craft Tent
A look into the Craft Tent

Grades 1-2-3 Class
Grades 1-2-3 Class

Grades 4-5-6 Class
Grades 4-5-6 Class

Our Team Contest
Our Team Contest

Just a great picture!
Just a great picture!

Some outside 
Some outside

Alice (BT) found a Bug!
Alice (BT) found a Bug!

We had a lot of fun!
We had a lot of fun!

Great Singers
Great Singers

Everyone loved to sing
Everyone loved to sing

Lady Bug in the back!
Lady Bug in the back!

Singing the B-I-B-L-E 
with the most enthusiasm!
Singing the B-I-B-L-E
with the most enthusiasm!

Even our Students came dressed up!
Even our Students came dressed up!

BT getting her 
Degree in Bugology
BT getting her
Degree in Bugology
An Official Bee Keeper now!  Look out Big Bee!
An Official Bee Keeper now! Look out Big Bee!

Our Theme Song
Our Theme Song

One of our Nursery Guys
One of our Nursery Guys

Bernice is great with the kids
Bernice is great with the kids

Getting ready to start class
Getting ready to start class

Opening Class in Prayer
Opening Class in Prayer

Big Bee and Friend
Big Bee and Friend

Linda taking a breather
Linda taking a breather

Supplies to make a scrapbook
Supplies to make a scrapbook

Odette and Ginger
Odette and Ginger

Our Deacon Matthias visiting and checking things out with his Grandson
Our Deacon Matthias visiting and checking things out with his Grandson

Our Buggy Atmosphere
Our Buggy Atmosphere

Marc starting the game
Marc starting the game


Defeat is a 
wet experience!
Defeat is a
wet experience!

Bugsy transformed into a Butterfly by the end of the week!
Bugsy transformed into a Butterfly by the end of the week!

Our Talented 
Our Talented

Our Prize Winners from the little kids class - it was a TIE!
Our Prize Winners from the little kids class - it was a TIE!

Grades 1-2-3 Prize Winner
Grades 1-2-3 Prize Winner

Grades 4-5-6 Prize Winner
Grades 4-5-6 Prize Winner

The Entire VBS
Prize Winner
The Entire VBS
Prize Winner

All Kids receiving their prizes!
All Kids receiving their prizes!

Prize Time
Prize Time

Prize Time
Prize Time

A Satisfied Bug Trainee
A Satisfied Bug Trainee

Closing Song
Closing Song

The week is all over
The week is all over

Big Bee posing and having fun
Big Bee posing and having fun

Big Bee and David
Big Bee and David

Big Bee and Tristan
Big Bee and Tristan

Pictures of our July 2012 Vacation Bible School